Monday, December 19, 2016

Extra Credit

1. Ki Suk Han was in a New York subway station when he was pushed down into the train tracks after trying to help a man who was harassing passerby. He wasn't strong enough to lift himself onto the platform away from the tracks and ended up getting hit. The photographer, R. Umar Abbasi, took the photo in attempt of trying to get the flash to warn the trains operators to stop. 

2. He said he took the photo in attempts of getting the flash to get the operators attention. 

3. I think the photographer should have taken the photo ,because he claims he had already tried to help him and taking the photo wasn't just for a time capture, but an attempt to get the train operators attention. 

4. I don't think that the photographer did the best he could to try and save the man. I think this because, a true person would have kept trying and trying until it was honestly too late where as Abbasi decided to get out his camera. 

5. I agree with the decision to run the photo on the cover of New York Post. It was a life changing moment I think and people should hear the story of what happened to get Han in that situation. Either way, it isn't a gory photo and shouldn't disturb many people too much util they read it. 

6. For a photojournalist, it is more important to capture images of life as it is happening. It is their job to do it and without them some stories wouldn't be stories due to no one remembering. 

7. Yes, I think it is ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve him/herself in the situation that they photograph. I think this because as long as the photographer has taken a photo they should be able to try and help. 

8. I feel that if a photographer really thinks they need to help they should instead of not trying to influence on the situation. 

9. If a photographer is in this situation, I believe they should snap one or two photos then immediately at least try and help with the situation. In this situation specifically, I feel the photographer could have tried harder to save the man. 

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