Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in every yearbook:
1- School name on cover
2- Intro to the theme
3- Table of Contents 
4- Year it is
5- Page numbers 
6- Bold titles
7- Pictures on every page
8- Captions 
9- Stories 
10- Who took what photo
11- Sited quotes
12- Color themes 
13- Index 
14- Questions asked to students
15- Surveys 
16- Student pictures at the end
17- Senior goodbyes
18- Sponsors 
19- Staff section 
20- Closing
21- Info on the school 
22- Quotes 
23- Name of yearbook
24- Different theme on each page
25- Bold titles 

1. its the little things
2. Trinity High School
3. Outline of circles going across pages and Circles around titles with it colored in and the title in white
4. 18 sections
5. Candy/food spread- favorite
6. Yes- Index
7. Yes- Group Photos
8. Yes- Table of contents 
9. About 1,600 people
10. Texas

Prompt Shoot #4




The End

Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A. Phobia- an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. 
B. Catophtrophobia- fear of mirrors
Atychiphobia- fear of failure 
Autophobia- fear of being alone or of oneself 
Chromophobia- Fear of colors
C. For Autophobia, fear of being alone or of oneself, I could have a really calm but dark photo of me sitting in an empty room or space. I want it to be taken from an above angle if possible. I want it to be horizontal and me in the middle of the photo to make it simplicity. Maybe me or the person I take it of will have their head down. 
For Chromophobia I want to do something with paint. I think i might do someone siting down outside with paint splattered on their hands and legs looking down at it with a straight face. The lighting will be bright and I want to do it from either a front angle or above. It would be vertical and rule of thirds so the person is on the left side of the photo. 
For Catoptrophobia I'm going to do a shattered mirror with a hammer next to it on the ground. It will be a normal lighted photo and horizontal. I want to do it from a side and slightly tilted down angle. 
D. For my first photo I will try to make it a dark photo and kind of a sad setting. For my second one I want it to be a bright setting with almost a happy mood but the person won't be smiling. And for my last one it won't really have a mood just like a normal setting photo with a light setting. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Best of 2016

Favorite photos of the year 

I chose this photo because it just looks funny to me because its the upcoming president, Donald Trump, carrying two babies who seem to be upset. Trumps face itself looks like he is kind of crazy so I thought it was a well captured moment. 

This photo really stuck out to me, because this girl looks very calm in front of a lot of heavily armed police men. Its also motivational because she is trying to stand up and protest about the shooting death of Alton Sterling by police. 

I chose this photo, because the colors are really popping. Especially the girls neon purple hair that really stands out against her dark skin. In the photo she was about to do a high jump.

Best song
I chose the song Caroline by Amine, because it was and kind of still is my favorite song. The chorus is really catchy to me and I always find myself happier when it comes on and I'm with my best friend. It was kind of our jam. 

Best movie

My favorite movie of this year was definitely the Legend of Tarzan. It was just a well made movie and I didn't find myself predicting a lot. Their was never a dull moment and what I liked most was there would be really intense scenes like the picture where you felt like you were really there. 

Most important news story

I think the most important news story was about the Zika virus. Mainly because it affected babies with a malformed skull and brain. Babies are our future and even though it didn't really spread world wide it spread far. This is also important to me, because my older sister traveled to Costa Rica during the occurrence of Zika virus and she had to be carful to make sure she was protected against it. 

Most important person

I think the most important person was Barrack Obama. He had his finally moments of being a president this year and I look up to him and all of the things he had done to help america in his past 8 years. 

Biggest sports person

The biggest sports person this year was Michael Phelps. The Rio Olympics was his last and he got 4th place for swimming. He has been the most successful athlete of the Olympics for the past 4 games. He was the biggest sports person to me because knowing this was his last year doing the Olympics I actually watched the Olympics to see for myself how good he was. 

My Holiday
1. One thing that happened over my holiday that I will remember is New Years Eve. This year was really special and just really let lose, my family always goes big and this year it was pouring where we were at midnight but me and all of my cousins still had a blast getting to light what we could in the rain. 

2. My New Years resolution is to try and get more fit. I used to run a lot, but for the past year I kind of stopped so I want to start going to the gym with my family again. 

3. Im looking forward to making the best out of 2017 by hanging out with all my friends more instead of being under a strict lifestyle.