Monday, October 31, 2016

Composition rules part 2

1. Rule of Thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create Depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Funny Captions

Betsy smiles at the camera forgetting about her shirt in the local grocery store. She is very known in her neighborhood and is frequently seen at the grocery store, her favorite place, every other day. 

Best friends, Jim, Anthony, Carol, and Dan dysfunctionally wait for the bus on this early morning. The four best friends go to PetSmart every morning to see what they can buy for their dogs. 

Lillian and Doug race down the track in their new silver edition motorized scooters at the annual, "Elderly's are fast too" race. Soon after this picture was taken, Lillian's scooter flipped strait over and she was mildly hurt. 

Monday, October 24, 2016





1. At first I felt happy because the photos of them together were really cute then it started getting sad especially when she cut her hair off. The saddest part was seeing the photo of the bed made because I just knew she probably had passed away. 

2. I think that meant that, that was their reality; that was their life. It wasn't fake what was shown in the photographs.

3. I wouldn't be able to shoot photos like this if I was involved in a situation like his. It would be too sad and probably make me even more depressed. 

4. If I could write Angelo I would tell him I'm sorry and his work is very good and it took a lot of strength to be able to still take photos in the conditions his wife was in.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to go to "Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan". The images I noticed on the website looking like the park was very very old. On one it looked like the photographer actually got on one of the rides and claimed up and got pictures of the rails and the seats themselves which I didn't see on the other photos. If I was going to go to a place I would want to be able to clim on the rides like this photographer did which is why I would chose this park. I also like the look of rust on metal and their was a lot of rust in the pictures shown of the park. 


3. Photographers could go to old museums, broken down train tracks, junk yards, "haunted" buildings, or abandoned villages. 

5. I think that it would be fun to take pictures of broken down train tracks, because some of them are very old and you could possibly find the history of where they were going to. You also could capture a lot of the nature around it which would be cool because sometimes the grass or flowers have grown between the cracks of the wood. I would take photos of the close up wood cracks and all of the things growing in between because of all the decay. 

6. Getting these photos I would have to really search hard for places that have abandoned train tracks because I'm not sure that they would really be on a map. As far as traveling goes I think their would be some definitely close to Austin if not in Austin. For equipment I would need a camera and maybe some clippers of some sort if I really need to get to the tracks but their is too much plants. I don't think I would need to break any laws because I would think most of them are just out in a random forest somewhere. 


Something I really noticed when reading about Nicks photographs is how dedicated he is. He said he went back to the same spot for 18 days to watch a lion sleeping, waiting to get a good photo. I am surprised at how close he got to the animals because he said he didn't really use a zoom lens because he could capture them better up close. The photos themselves are really good. They are all in black and white which kind of set a mood for me of calm.
This photo is of two lions (one male one female) that are pushing their heads against each other. What I really like about this photo is how Nick captured them at the perfect moment. The photo shows the lions love for each other. Something that caught my eye was the female lion looking down and her eyes look very serious. 

This picture shows simplicity and possibly balance. The photo is definitely focused on the two lions and their aren't any distractions which is why it shows simplicity. It could show balance if they lions were a little bit more centered but I think the photographer wanted to capture the lions mane. 

The camera he uses is a Pentax 6711 with two fixed lenses. With a fixed lense, so he can't zoom. In the article he had said he didn't want to use zoom because taking the photos up close showed the animals personalities better. 

The reason for taking these photos was to get photos of the African wildlife in their "state of being". 

Nicks hope for taking these photos is to encourage people to help the wildlife in any way possible like donating money to charities. 

"What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us."
                                      -Nick Brandt

Friday, October 7, 2016

Great Black & White Photographers, PART THREE

Looking at this photo I see a man who is maybe in his forties. He looks comfortable and relaxed in his chair. He looks very deep in thought on what he is looking at. 
I smell the smell of old library books when you turn the pages. The furniture smells dusty and of thick air. I smell dirt that is on his clothes after being outside. 
I hear people quietly talking out of the frame through the front window. I hear the sound of a clock slowly ticking somewhere in the room. I hear the creaking of his chair as he lays on it. 
I taste a bitter taste of the room. I taste the fresh air that is coming in from the window. I can taste the the dirt kind of scent from his clothes. 
I feel very serious when I look at this photo. I feel the tears and scratches on his chair. I feel the grimy feel of his pants.

When I look at this girl I see a tiny grin coming from the edges of her mouth. I see the hair coming loose out of her pigtails after running around. I see her stern eyes very big looking up.
I smell fresh air of the nature around her. I smell her sweat surrounding the fresh air. I smell the bark of the tree; plain but still their.
I hear the sound of kids playing in the woods. I hear birds singing faintly. I hear the wind slowly sweeping by. 
I taste the dirt she is standing on. I taste the bitter smell of the tree. I taste the cool wind;fresh. 
I feel the lace of her sunday dress. I feel the coarseness of her hair. I feel the hot sun just barely peeking through the trees. 

1. Something that really caught my eye when I first saw Frederick Sommers Photos was how he really took the picture at good times. Especially the one on the top, the man looks like he was very focused and deep in thought on whatever he was looking at. For the little girl I really like how he put her in the middle and her eyes are what catches my attention the most. 

3. I would like to make a powerpoint about my photographer to share my thoughts and ideas about his photography.

mural project

1. A theme that we could take at school would be more of like a social theme and taking pictures of students social lives at school. A theme for out of school could be Austin Graffiti, because there is a lot of graffiti artist here. I think we would be able to do a series of these photos that we can put up around the school.
2. We should let people use cameras because overall they can take better quality images.
3. I would want to put the mural on one of the brick walls that are leading into the courtyard by the front office. Many people come into school that way and leave school so I think it would catch peoples eyes. 

Monday, October 3, 2016