Friday, October 7, 2016

Great Black & White Photographers, PART THREE

Looking at this photo I see a man who is maybe in his forties. He looks comfortable and relaxed in his chair. He looks very deep in thought on what he is looking at. 
I smell the smell of old library books when you turn the pages. The furniture smells dusty and of thick air. I smell dirt that is on his clothes after being outside. 
I hear people quietly talking out of the frame through the front window. I hear the sound of a clock slowly ticking somewhere in the room. I hear the creaking of his chair as he lays on it. 
I taste a bitter taste of the room. I taste the fresh air that is coming in from the window. I can taste the the dirt kind of scent from his clothes. 
I feel very serious when I look at this photo. I feel the tears and scratches on his chair. I feel the grimy feel of his pants.

When I look at this girl I see a tiny grin coming from the edges of her mouth. I see the hair coming loose out of her pigtails after running around. I see her stern eyes very big looking up.
I smell fresh air of the nature around her. I smell her sweat surrounding the fresh air. I smell the bark of the tree; plain but still their.
I hear the sound of kids playing in the woods. I hear birds singing faintly. I hear the wind slowly sweeping by. 
I taste the dirt she is standing on. I taste the bitter smell of the tree. I taste the cool wind;fresh. 
I feel the lace of her sunday dress. I feel the coarseness of her hair. I feel the hot sun just barely peeking through the trees. 

1. Something that really caught my eye when I first saw Frederick Sommers Photos was how he really took the picture at good times. Especially the one on the top, the man looks like he was very focused and deep in thought on whatever he was looking at. For the little girl I really like how he put her in the middle and her eyes are what catches my attention the most. 

3. I would like to make a powerpoint about my photographer to share my thoughts and ideas about his photography.

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