Monday, October 17, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to go to "Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan". The images I noticed on the website looking like the park was very very old. On one it looked like the photographer actually got on one of the rides and claimed up and got pictures of the rails and the seats themselves which I didn't see on the other photos. If I was going to go to a place I would want to be able to clim on the rides like this photographer did which is why I would chose this park. I also like the look of rust on metal and their was a lot of rust in the pictures shown of the park. 


3. Photographers could go to old museums, broken down train tracks, junk yards, "haunted" buildings, or abandoned villages. 

5. I think that it would be fun to take pictures of broken down train tracks, because some of them are very old and you could possibly find the history of where they were going to. You also could capture a lot of the nature around it which would be cool because sometimes the grass or flowers have grown between the cracks of the wood. I would take photos of the close up wood cracks and all of the things growing in between because of all the decay. 

6. Getting these photos I would have to really search hard for places that have abandoned train tracks because I'm not sure that they would really be on a map. As far as traveling goes I think their would be some definitely close to Austin if not in Austin. For equipment I would need a camera and maybe some clippers of some sort if I really need to get to the tracks but their is too much plants. I don't think I would need to break any laws because I would think most of them are just out in a random forest somewhere. 

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