Friday, February 24, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch #4


Story #1
Varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition
This article talked about the Varisty cheerleaders going to competition. They went to a national competition in Florida that was very important. They had a major challenge before going to competition, as a main flyer on the team got injured and they had to remake the whole routine. The girls were very hopeful to win as well as become a closer family. 
-The Varsity cheerleaders went to competition in Florida on February 10th to compete. How: they worked very hard all season on routines
-Senior varsity cheerleader Bridget Alvarez was quoted a lot. The strongest quote was "I just hope that we bond more as a team and we're able to put our best foot forward going onto the floor." This was on the 15th paragraph. I think this was the strongest quote because it really told what most of the cheerleaders were hoping to get out of the competition. 
-The first sentence did make me want to keep reading, because it used a lot of verbs and strong words. 

Story #2
High schoolers can fall in love
This article was about if high schoolers can really fall in love. The statement that high schoolers can fall in love was backed up by a lot of science such as two hormones that high schoolers and adults have cause this "lovey" feeling. It also talked about how love has a different definition for everybody. Its up to that person to decide if they think they are in love or not. 
-Can high schoolers fall in school..when they are "young"..they can because there is no specific definition of love because it is different for everyone..this is because science proves it. 
-No one was quoted in the story
-Since there was no quote in the story I'll just say what I think the strongest sentence was, "The word love doesn't have one strict definition; in addition the word itself means something different to every person."(Paragraph 2) This is the strongest, because it is like the thesis to this article.
-The first sentence did make me want to keep reading because it approached with a question. 

Story #3
Running off the beaten path
This article talks about Dawson Warken's running life. Dawson tells about how he has been running since 7th grade every single year. Running Track helps Dawson find peace and he makes great friendships through it. As well as track, he also is involved in PALS and is said to be a very social and friendly person. 
-Dawson Warken and his running experience at Bowie the past 4 years.  He runs because it makes him feel healthy and he finds peace through it. He constantly trains and goes running. 
-Dawson and Hannah Erb were quoted in the story. 
-The strongest quote in the story was, "It feels great receiving an award for track because it make all of the hard work worth it." (paragraph 5) I think this is strong because I think this could be a motivating quote saying that the goal at the end makes everything worth doing.
-The first sentence made me want to keep reading, but not as much as the other two articles. It didn't use as many popping words, but it did have good verbs. 


Photo #1
Squad Goals
This photo doesn't have the best lighting since it was at night. Besides that, the angle at which the photo was taken is good because it isn't just straight on. They could have cropped out the left side of the photo, because I feel like the girl in the back isn't really doing what everyone else is. 
-This photo shows point of view and possible rule of thirds. 
-The main subject is the cheerleader who is closest to the camera.
-The photo is exposed properly its just at bad time of day, because its during a night time football game. 
-I think this is a deep depth of field because the photo is from a lo angle and it gets the cheerleaders all in a line from the side so the photographer wanted to get everyone in the photo. In order to do that they took it form a further position. 

Photo #2
Close Connection
This photo is really good. It definitely goes with the caption, because the girl has her head up against the horses. I wouldn't change anything about the photo. 
-This photo shows balance and simplicity.
-The main subject I think is the horse, but it could honestly be the girl too since they are both in the middle of the picture. 
-This photo is exposed properly.
-This is a shallow depth of field because it is very close to the horse and girl. 

Photo #3
Plan of Action
I personally don't really like this photo. They didn't try to use any rules of photography and they should have at least changed the point of view. The lighting is good and it follows the caption well. 
-This photo doesn't show any rule of photography I think.
-The main subject is Mr.Humprey but the photo doesn't display that well.
-The photo is exposed properly.
-This is a deep depth of field because it is a group of people so it was taken from a further position.

Photo #4
Across the Floor
This photo is really cool because the girl is mid running about to tumble. The lighting is perfect and the photo shows how perfect the girls body is that goes with the technique of a gymnast. 
-This photo uses simplicity.
-The main subject is the girl tumbling in the center. 
-The photo is exposed properly.
-This is taken from a shallow depth of field, because it is a close up and they probably used a zoom lens since the shot was directly in front of her while running at the photographer. 

Photo #5
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(demential Human Rights)
This is a great photo because it shows perfect simplicity and avoiding mergers since the girl has very popping colors on and on her sign. The lighting is great and it is a powerful image for the story. 
-This photo uses simplicity and avoiding mergers. 
-The main subject is the girl in the center facing the camera with her sign.
-The photo is exposed properly. 
-This is taken from a shallow depth of field because it is very unclose so readers can read the sign clearly.

My favorite photo in the entire paper is the one I just reviewed, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(demential Human Rights)". This is my favorite because The person in the photo just looks very proud and happy. The way the photo was taken is also very appealing because it looks so perfect because of the balance used between the space of her body in terms of the edge. She is dead center and the colors really pop on her and the sign compared to the background. Rules of composition evident are simplicity and avoiding mergers. 

My least favorite photo in the paper is the "Plan of Action" one. It doesn't show any rules of photography in my opinion and it just isn't unique. 

If I was in newspaper I would have wanted to do the article about love that I reviewed. I really like writing opinionated things and it was based of of the writers opinion which I really liked. 

The photography in this issue was very good for the most part. Strong points were that they were all different form each other and I could tell the photographers really tried to make the images appealing. The weak point was some photos I couldn't tell any rule of photography. 

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