Friday, March 31, 2017

My first interview

1.what grade are you in? i am in 10th grade
2.whats your name? my name is brian
3.did you tell your family? if so how did they react? if not how do you plan on telling them? no and i don't plan on telling them
4.what does it mean to be student of the month? It means that i've accomplished something in my life this considered an accomplishment? This is considered an accomplishment 
6.have you ever been student of the month before? no, thats why its a big accomplishment
7.what will you do as student of the month? I will take off all of the stupid rules around here so we have more freedom as students
8.what is the reward? a certificate with a medal and you get a plaque in the front office with candals
9.has getting student of the month changed how you look at yourself? why or why not? it has not changed how i look at myself, because i know how to be true to myself as a person
10.what were your instant thoughts? I felt really accomplished and i didn't expect to win so it was really refreshing might this push you to keep working hard? i know that i can do it since i won you think you deserve the reward? i think i deserved the award because wining is always better
13.why or why not were you expecting this? i wasn't expecting this because i have never won anything in my life
14.what have your teachers said to you about the reward? my teachers have told me to set a good example for everyone, which i don't want to do you plan to use this reward as a way to inspire other students? yes and no, i don't really know why can you keep up this work to get this reward again in the future? by doing the same thing that i did the first time
17.what have your friends said about you wining? they are jealous and hate me, but in a god way
18.was this a goal? this was not a goal
19.what are you most excited about? i was most excited about being in a higher level did you find out? people texting me and blowing up my notifications telling me that i had won

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