Monday, April 10, 2017


a. Alyssa Schukar
b. Story
c. The photos werent close enlough to the subject and they were all of a certain distance, not enough strong singles, it was more of a dark story instead of one filled with optism.
d. The caribbean photo of the man sweeping had a pretty background and the girl who fell over the hurdles was one they liked because of how much it captured and a good angle. 
e. I like how she captured different emotions like some of joy and some that were more dark people. I didnt like that she didnt use very many rules of photography.

a. Travis Haughton
b. Photo j and sports
c. They didnt like pictures that had the back of peoples heads because they were off putting, pictures of signs, and not capturing all of the faces as well as many photos were too tight. 
d. They liked the levels in the photos and the moments that dont look staged.
e. I like how this person really captured happy moments and the photography still itself was really good. 

a. Nick Adams
b. Stories
c. They didnt like that a handfull of the photos werent in focus, too many kids, and photos werent telling them anything.
d. They liked the originality and there was good composition
e. I didnt like how some of he photos were just pointless like they didnt tell me anything as the judges were saying but there was good lighting. 

a. Jordan Murph
b. Sports
c. There were repeated photos in terms of background, they didnt like shilouette photos, and they werent telling the story in the caption.
d. They had good color and uniqueness in photos they have seen a lot of times.
e. This was my favorite portfolio. I thought that all of the photos were great and had good composition. The photographer used a lot of rules and I liked every photo. 

2)Dustin Snipes portfolio
a. The judges pointed out the good color, he captured moments where everybody was doing something but not too chaotic, and good moments
b. A strength that i saw was the creativity. Dustin was very creative when choosing how he wanted to photograph something or someone. For a weakness I would say a lot of wide shot photos with too much going on. 

a. Some things the judges asked themselves if the story was good, if the photos had a variety of feel, diversity, and good editing. 

Part 2
1) I agreed with the judges on the photo of the football field empty at night with the lights going straight through the yellow goal. Its just not a good photo composition wise and the judges were saying he could have at least used a fish eye and tilted the lense which I agree with. 
2) I don't like the photo of the tennis player that the judges liked. It has a girl in a red uniform with her head completely back and out of the photo with her fist up in the air and her rack is in mid air. I think it just doesn't have much composition to it and its just a weird timing to capture it. I mean you cant even see the girls face...

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