Wednesday, April 19, 2017

opinions writing preview activity

Immigration laws getting out of hand

1.  not applicable

2. This was about someones opinion on Trumps Presidency and the immigration policies he is heavily enforcing.
3. This writer says, "Luckily, there's also been protests and outcries to protect these innocent undocumented immigrants." This direct quote from the article tells me that this person is against Trumps decisions to deport all immigrants.
4.  They addressed what the other side might say a little. The part were the person says "Even though ICE has been in existence since 2003.." is backing up in the case that someone would say this has always been an enforced law.
5. They were not wishy washy at all. Throughout the whole article the person was strongly opinionated on what they though was right an didn't have any drawbacks.
6. There are no quotes.
7. I think this is in third person.

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education

1. Reagan Wallace

2. This was about an opinion on the new Secretary of Education.
3. She says, "Her support could be deemed helpful, yet I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system." This says that she doesn't like the new Secretary of Education.
4. She doesn't address what the other side might say.
5. I didn't think this was wishy washy because she wasn't afraid to say everything wrong about this person.
6. She used one quote.
7. This is in first person.

Our great tree is worth saving 

1. Ian Miller

2. This is about the big tree in the courtyard and how its dying.
3. He thinks, "In my opinion, its absolutely worth the price to save it. This tree has a title of its own, it's essential for our courtyard and it hold the memories of many people."
4. He does address what the other side might say. It says, "Unfortunately, the cost of saving this tree isn to cheap."
5. The beginning is a little wishy washy where I quoted something in the last question and he kind of just keeps repeating the same points.
6. There are no quotes.
7. This is in first person.

Going above the norm for college

1. Jake Brien

2. This is about college
3.  He says, "the public school system will not likely get you on track to scoring high on you SAT and getting into college." suggesting that it takes hard classes and work like taking AP courses.
4. He didn't dress what the other side might say.
5. This person was consistent throughout the story.
6. First person

Importance of physics class

1. Abby Ong

2. A change in law where students no longer have to take physics and chemistry in order to graduate.
3. she says "I believe all students should take it regardless of endorsement or future career choice."
4. she doesn't state what the other side might say.
5. This is not wishy washy.
6. First person.

a. A hard new story will have quotes, not be in first person, and have strict facts.
b. I don't think there are very many photos on the page because since they are opinionated there won't be actual event photos.
c. Politics, the Death Penalty, and gun policies

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