Monday, April 24, 2017

My opinion story

   How many hours of homework do you do a week? I know I spend at least 6-7 hours of my week getting homework done. I think that our school gives out too much homework and expects it to be done too early. Some homework is necessary, but not so much that it takes over 45 minutes. 

   My after-school routine includes coming home, resting for a solid hour, eating dinner, then trying to start on homework. Homework, for me, tends to take a good 2 hours without having to study extra time if there is a test the next day. I then have to fit in after-school activities, and of course more time to sit on my phone because lets be real I'm a teenager and its what I do and that all leaves me going to bed at around 11:30-12:00. 

   Some students or teachers might say to get it done right after school and I wouldn't have to stay up late to squeeze it in, or do it while I'm motivated from school. But when I get home my brain needs a rest from constantly thinking about work and learning for 8 hours! I think its reasonable to say we all do, even teachers.  

   It's healthy for our bodies to get 8 hours of sleep a night and staying up doing homework does not help that. Doing homework prevents me from being able to learn as well as I should be. Cutting back on the amount of homework given would improve my ability to do better in school. With sleep, I am more energized and able to take information in easier. I could use coffee for more energy, but that would wear off and eventually make me even more tired. 

   Even assigning homework on weekends when we have a full 2 days, sometimes 3, to do stuff is unnecessary and even a little unfair. A weekend is supposed to be a break. Just like how most workers are off on the weekend, students should be too. Its our time to rest and actually get away from school. Its also nice to have family time and room for activities, but sometimes homework takes away from that. Its stressful going on a weekend trip and having to think about when I'll have time to study for a test or do homework. 

   Students already have to go learn for 8 hours a day and assigning extra stuff is not needed all the time. I think that an hour and 30 minutes per class period is enough time to practice and fully learn a subject. 

   To solve this problem, teachers can assign homework, but nothing that would take up to 45 minutes. 
 I think some of them forget that just about every single class assigns homework every day and its hard to keep up with all of it. They could even set the date due further away so that if we do get a lot of homework, we have time. 
   Getting over an hour of homework everyday is unnecessary. It takes time away from whats supposed to be a break from school.  Teachers should consider reducing the amount of homework assigned in the future. 

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