Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Final exam planning

1. I might shoot it next week or either the weekend of may 5th(not this weekend but the next).
2. I will shoot at my house. 
3. I will hopefully be documenting my sister painting something.
4. I will need something to hold my camera sturdy in order to take a time lapse of the process as well as another camera, but I have one of my own and a gopro so I might just use a gopro and speed it up for the time lapse. 
5. For the process I'm going to start off with still photos and narrate during that then the time lapse will be at the end. I will probably have 20 photos. 

Monday, April 24, 2017


My opinion story

   How many hours of homework do you do a week? I know I spend at least 6-7 hours of my week getting homework done. I think that our school gives out too much homework and expects it to be done too early. Some homework is necessary, but not so much that it takes over 45 minutes. 

   My after-school routine includes coming home, resting for a solid hour, eating dinner, then trying to start on homework. Homework, for me, tends to take a good 2 hours without having to study extra time if there is a test the next day. I then have to fit in after-school activities, and of course more time to sit on my phone because lets be real I'm a teenager and its what I do and that all leaves me going to bed at around 11:30-12:00. 

   Some students or teachers might say to get it done right after school and I wouldn't have to stay up late to squeeze it in, or do it while I'm motivated from school. But when I get home my brain needs a rest from constantly thinking about work and learning for 8 hours! I think its reasonable to say we all do, even teachers.  

   It's healthy for our bodies to get 8 hours of sleep a night and staying up doing homework does not help that. Doing homework prevents me from being able to learn as well as I should be. Cutting back on the amount of homework given would improve my ability to do better in school. With sleep, I am more energized and able to take information in easier. I could use coffee for more energy, but that would wear off and eventually make me even more tired. 

   Even assigning homework on weekends when we have a full 2 days, sometimes 3, to do stuff is unnecessary and even a little unfair. A weekend is supposed to be a break. Just like how most workers are off on the weekend, students should be too. Its our time to rest and actually get away from school. Its also nice to have family time and room for activities, but sometimes homework takes away from that. Its stressful going on a weekend trip and having to think about when I'll have time to study for a test or do homework. 

   Students already have to go learn for 8 hours a day and assigning extra stuff is not needed all the time. I think that an hour and 30 minutes per class period is enough time to practice and fully learn a subject. 

   To solve this problem, teachers can assign homework, but nothing that would take up to 45 minutes. 
 I think some of them forget that just about every single class assigns homework every day and its hard to keep up with all of it. They could even set the date due further away so that if we do get a lot of homework, we have time. 
   Getting over an hour of homework everyday is unnecessary. It takes time away from whats supposed to be a break from school.  Teachers should consider reducing the amount of homework assigned in the future. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Personal Essays

1. To start deciding my topic, the author says to chose something I feel strongly about such as conversational topics that make me excited or news stories that make me mad or make me laugh. 
2. As I'm writing my piece I should always put it in a context that gives a wide perspective on the topic and a small.
3. I'm going to try to use a question hook, keep my story as personal as I can while putting a wide perspective on it, and try not to use a ton of facts but if I do, make sure they are correct.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

opinions writing preview activity

Immigration laws getting out of hand

1.  not applicable

2. This was about someones opinion on Trumps Presidency and the immigration policies he is heavily enforcing.
3. This writer says, "Luckily, there's also been protests and outcries to protect these innocent undocumented immigrants." This direct quote from the article tells me that this person is against Trumps decisions to deport all immigrants.
4.  They addressed what the other side might say a little. The part were the person says "Even though ICE has been in existence since 2003.." is backing up in the case that someone would say this has always been an enforced law.
5. They were not wishy washy at all. Throughout the whole article the person was strongly opinionated on what they though was right an didn't have any drawbacks.
6. There are no quotes.
7. I think this is in third person.

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education

1. Reagan Wallace

2. This was about an opinion on the new Secretary of Education.
3. She says, "Her support could be deemed helpful, yet I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system." This says that she doesn't like the new Secretary of Education.
4. She doesn't address what the other side might say.
5. I didn't think this was wishy washy because she wasn't afraid to say everything wrong about this person.
6. She used one quote.
7. This is in first person.

Our great tree is worth saving 

1. Ian Miller

2. This is about the big tree in the courtyard and how its dying.
3. He thinks, "In my opinion, its absolutely worth the price to save it. This tree has a title of its own, it's essential for our courtyard and it hold the memories of many people."
4. He does address what the other side might say. It says, "Unfortunately, the cost of saving this tree isn to cheap."
5. The beginning is a little wishy washy where I quoted something in the last question and he kind of just keeps repeating the same points.
6. There are no quotes.
7. This is in first person.

Going above the norm for college

1. Jake Brien

2. This is about college
3.  He says, "the public school system will not likely get you on track to scoring high on you SAT and getting into college." suggesting that it takes hard classes and work like taking AP courses.
4. He didn't dress what the other side might say.
5. This person was consistent throughout the story.
6. First person

Importance of physics class

1. Abby Ong

2. A change in law where students no longer have to take physics and chemistry in order to graduate.
3. she says "I believe all students should take it regardless of endorsement or future career choice."
4. she doesn't state what the other side might say.
5. This is not wishy washy.
6. First person.

a. A hard new story will have quotes, not be in first person, and have strict facts.
b. I don't think there are very many photos on the page because since they are opinionated there won't be actual event photos.
c. Politics, the Death Penalty, and gun policies

Peer review SoM

Paragraphs- 50 points

5 quotes- 25 points

inverted pyramid- 25 points

total- 100

Student of the Month Story

   First time ever, sophomore, Brian Anicua talks about his accomplishment of getting the March Student of the Month award. Earning the award takes hard work and dedication; a few qualities that Brian has. Bowie High school's school board has been doing this once a month since 2014 to reward the students who have worked hard to succeed greatly in academics. The winner was announced the morning of April 4th. 
   Anicua strives to be top of his class in hopes of going to a great college. The school board felt that it was time to reward him after noticing his partake in the National Honor Society, Volunteering at the tutoring center, and his astonishing grades. Friends and family are proud of Anicua and how far he's gotten in and out of academics. 
   Bowies new Student of the Month was surprised at the announcement of his winning. 
   "I felt really accomplished and I didn't expect to win so it was really refreshing," said Brian Anicua.    
   Brian looks forward to using his Student of the Month reward.
   "I will take off all of the stupid rules around here so we have more freedom as students," said Anicua. 
   Teachers of Anicua were very happy for him.
   "I think he's a great student and deserved this award," said Anicua's english teach. "I could tell he had been working for a long time to achieve it."
    Brian is excited about how Student of the Month will affect his future. 
   "I am most excited about being at a higher level," said Anicua.
   Anicua thinks getting the award will help him to work harder.
   "This can push me to work harder, because I will know that I can do it.. since I will have won before," said Anicua. 
   The next Student of the Month will be announced on May 4th.

Monday, April 17, 2017

SLO practice

1. D: proximity
2. A: prominence 
3. C: paints
4. D: lack of a subject
5. B: the location
6. C: background information about the senior games
7. James Abbot and Malala Jones walk down the red carpet in Canada on April 5th and wave to the inspired people. Malala Jones survived a fatal injury and spreads her story to others daily. 

all correct

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Nut Graf

Nut Graf:
   Also known as the nutshell paragraph, the Nut Graf of a story is the second paragraph that explains the leads connection to the rest of the story. It's called the Nut Graf because it contains the "kernel" or essential theme of the story. It tells the readers why the story is timely and why the readers should care. This section normally helps the reader decide if they want to read the story. 
   The Nut Graf is also generally followed with a flashy quotation. When writing it, its suggested to put one or two facts in the first sentence. After the first few sentences, it contains supporting material that helps readers see why the story is important. Nut Grafs are used in every story structure.  

Monday, April 10, 2017

Inverted Pyramid


a. Alyssa Schukar
b. Story
c. The photos werent close enlough to the subject and they were all of a certain distance, not enough strong singles, it was more of a dark story instead of one filled with optism.
d. The caribbean photo of the man sweeping had a pretty background and the girl who fell over the hurdles was one they liked because of how much it captured and a good angle. 
e. I like how she captured different emotions like some of joy and some that were more dark people. I didnt like that she didnt use very many rules of photography.

a. Travis Haughton
b. Photo j and sports
c. They didnt like pictures that had the back of peoples heads because they were off putting, pictures of signs, and not capturing all of the faces as well as many photos were too tight. 
d. They liked the levels in the photos and the moments that dont look staged.
e. I like how this person really captured happy moments and the photography still itself was really good. 

a. Nick Adams
b. Stories
c. They didnt like that a handfull of the photos werent in focus, too many kids, and photos werent telling them anything.
d. They liked the originality and there was good composition
e. I didnt like how some of he photos were just pointless like they didnt tell me anything as the judges were saying but there was good lighting. 

a. Jordan Murph
b. Sports
c. There were repeated photos in terms of background, they didnt like shilouette photos, and they werent telling the story in the caption.
d. They had good color and uniqueness in photos they have seen a lot of times.
e. This was my favorite portfolio. I thought that all of the photos were great and had good composition. The photographer used a lot of rules and I liked every photo. 

2)Dustin Snipes portfolio
a. The judges pointed out the good color, he captured moments where everybody was doing something but not too chaotic, and good moments
b. A strength that i saw was the creativity. Dustin was very creative when choosing how he wanted to photograph something or someone. For a weakness I would say a lot of wide shot photos with too much going on. 

a. Some things the judges asked themselves if the story was good, if the photos had a variety of feel, diversity, and good editing. 

Part 2
1) I agreed with the judges on the photo of the football field empty at night with the lights going straight through the yellow goal. Its just not a good photo composition wise and the judges were saying he could have at least used a fish eye and tilted the lense which I agree with. 
2) I don't like the photo of the tennis player that the judges liked. It has a girl in a red uniform with her head completely back and out of the photo with her fist up in the air and her rack is in mid air. I think it just doesn't have much composition to it and its just a weird timing to capture it. I mean you cant even see the girls face...