Photo #1
1. This photo really caught my eye, because I saw a lot of famous actors in it and it was in color unlike many of the others.
2. The photo was taken during the 2014 Oscars. Ellen wanted to get a selfie with some of the most famous actors. After the photo was taken Ellen posted it on twitter where it was retweeted over 3 million times. It was the most time a photo has ever been retweeted in history.
3. Bradley Cooper, the man who took the photo, went over to Ellen and someone else to try and help take the photo because he saw she was struggling. She told him no it has to be a selfie so Cooper ended up getting in the photo because he was in the front and with longer arms.
4. Bradley Cooper isn't a photographer, it was just a spontaneous moment. I could not find any pictures he has taken.
5. Bradley Charles Cooper
Born: January 5th, 1975 in Philadelphia, PA.
School: Georgetown University
Photo #2
1. This photo caught my eye, because I saw a baby sitting on what looked like a road unattended. I imagined he had been abandoned so I clicked on it to see what the photo was about.
2. The photo was taken in 1937, shortly after China had been bombed. What really shocked me while I was reading was Wong saying that as soon as he stepped out onto the floor his shoes had been soaked in blood. This means it must have been really fatal and a lot of deaths/wounded. He then saw the baby sitting on the floor crying near his mother who lay dead.
3. I learned that Wong quickly took the baby after the photo and rushed it to safety. Although, the babies father came and took the baby from Wong. The photo was shown worldwide and led France, US, and Britain to claim war on the county.
4. This is the only other photo I could find by him. ![](
5. H.S. "Newsreel" Wong
Born: 1900
Death: March 9th, 1981
School: None
Photo #3
1. This photo caught my eye, because of the two kids that were falling in air. I wanted to know what it was they had jumped from and why.
2. The photograph shows two people falling in mid air. A girl, 19, and a little boy, 2, tried to escape a fire.
3. The photographer, Forman, took the photo at a fire escape scene. Approaching the scene he thought that it was just a normal fire escape. Realizing it wasn't, he shot this picture of a 19 year old girl and her 2 year old God-son falling in air while escaping. The girl hit the floor and died, but the little boy lived because of her cushioning on the land. Forman remembers looking away before they hit because he was too frightened at what he would see.
5. Stanley Joseph Forman
Born: July 10th, 1945 in Winthrop, MA
School: Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology
Photo #4
1. The bright colors of this photo caught my eye as well as the many people carrying a stretched out Gorilla.
2. In the photo, residents and park rangers carried out a 500 pound gorilla caracas. It was carried out of Virunga National Park after it had been shot.
3. Several gorillas were shot in the Democratic Republican of Congo. The article doesn't say why they were shot, but because of a violent conflict in the park. Half of the worlds endangered mountain gorillas live in the park.
5. Brent Stirton
Born: 1969 in Durban, South Africa
School: none
Photo #5
1. I chose this photo because the angle it was shot at was really cool. Looking at it, I am eye level with the hippo in the water.
2. The photographer, Nichols, took the photo in the Gabon, Africa. He captured one of many hippos swimming in the blue Atlantic ocean.
3. What I read that was interesting was that most hippos normally spend their time in water in a swamp instead of a busy ocean. The Photo encouraged the president of the country to create national parks covering 11% of the land.
5. Michael Nichols
Born: November 6th, 1931 in Berlin, Germany
Died: November 19th, 2014
School: none