Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Soldier

A. I think that the most powerful image is "A Fathers Concern". In this photo Ian is sitting at the table with his dad with his head down and this is powerful to me because it showed how hurting he was and in Ian was telling his dad all of the meds he was having to take for his injuries. 
B. The images work together to create a story by going in a timeline order and the photographer really captured times that were important during Ian's serving time. 
C. The captions enhanced the photos by giving us an inside to what Ian was feeling or thinking in that moment.
D. Ian Fisher was 17 when he decided to tell his family he was going to enroll in the army. Ian immediately went to training after he turned 18 and found out what being in the army was really like. While in Iraq, back home Ian's friends were slowly fading away along with his girlfriend and Ian was feeling depressed. He featured home and reunited with his girlfriend and spent time with his brother and dad. After going back he got some injuries and would tell his dad about how hard it is and all of the meds he has to take. When Ian's time was up and went home he knew that was gonna be his only year in the army. Glad to be home he spent lots of time being welcomed by his family and after only 3 days of being back him and his girlfriend got married. 
E. The verbs used are mostly past tense. 
F. 1) Each sentence is generally 2-3 sentences. 
2) The first sentence provides what is happing in the image or what Ian is thinking.
3) The second sentence provides background information.
4) If there is a third, it usually provides just any extra information to help us get an understanding.
5) Yes, many of the captions include a quote. Especially the ones that are taken of him with other people. 
6) Yes, there are some that have 4 sentences. 
G. It is possible to tell a story with just captions because captions tell us background information that isn't shown in the photo. 
H. If you have a story you can go into much more detail. A caption isn't going to be over 6 sentences or so, so the writer has to limit to the important stuff and just say that. 

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