Monday, November 14, 2016

Killer Time-lapse

On the website I looked at a time-lapse video. A lot of the different videos were shot up high filming the landscape below. Most of them were filming some form of water below on the edge of the land. 

a. What I saw in the video was a lot of clouds flying really fast through the frame. There was also a lot of city views so I could tell when it was morning and night because the city would glow at certain times of the day due to the lights. 

b. Joe Capra made the time-lapse video. He is also known as "Scientifantastic". He mainly does time-lapse but also does still photography, cinematography, and editing. 

c. There isn't much of a story to the time-lapse but it was shot in Rio De Janeiro because he had always wanted to go there. 

d. I learned that people are drawn to time-lapse videos because you can't really notice the changes that are happening until you watch it sped up. 

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