Monday, November 14, 2016

Using a Projetor

What I looked at on the website was short clips of nature that would start to glow. For example a video of a tree then a glow sort of like fire dust comes out of the center of it.

a. What I saw in the video was a lot of trees and animals in a dark setting that would start to glow with little balls of light. 

b. Tarek Mawad and Freidrich van Schoor made the video. Tarek is a 3D art and photography photographer. Freidrich van Schoor does the same but mainly focuses on the animations. 

c. The video took them 6 weeks to shoot. They idea of the video was to bring the forest to life. 

d. I learned that 3D projections are used to create popping visuals on flat surfaces. 

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