Monday, November 14, 2016

Magazines Part 2

1. Image based magazine covers seem to be generally formal if the subject is a person. It is the most common and don't have many subjects in the photograph. Some magazines choose to do covers of people with a different emotion on their face instead of always smiling. 
2. Illustrated magazine covers are mainly used to show something funny or unique. Most of them are magazines that use illustrations don't use news stands to help them sell because they are independent. 
3. Type based magazines are bold and are mainly shocking for readers. They make words bigger to pop out what they are saying that is shocking. It can sometimes catch more attention than a photograph. 
4. Concept based magazine covers are used to present a strong message in a funny way. This type of cover is kind of a mix of all of the other covers in one. The cover needs to be easy to understand and funny to the readers. 

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