Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. A challenge I encountered was trying not to get so many photos showing rule of thirds. I feel like thats the easiest photo to shoot and most of my photos had that. Also trying to get a framing photo was very hard because there wasn't just a frame ready for you to shoot behind, we had to get creative.

2. I thought the most about focusing on the subject. In my lines photo I think I did a really good job on focusing on the shirt with a blurred background.

3. If I could do this again I would definitely be thinking about the hard things first and really trying to get creative with it. Like the Framing I wish I had gotten a better photo, because it was kind of just a set up frame.

4. What I would do the same is rule of thirds and simplicity because I feel as though I really get how to shoot those kinds of photos.

5. Rule of Thirds will probably the easiest rule to achieve.

6. The hardest to capture will be framing.

7. Im not totally clear on the avoiding mergers rule. I can ask friends what the rule is or I can look at the power point again.
I really like her avoiding mergers photo because it is really focused on the girl. I also like how she got photos of the students looking through the microscopes! One thing she could have done different was zooming in more on her subject so that its more clear on who/what it is.

Monday, September 26, 2016

DSLR Camera

1. For aperture you can use from F2.8 to F22.
2. For shutter speed you can go all the way from 1 second to 1/4000th of a second.
3. For ISO you can go from an ISO of 100 to an ISO of 25600.


Photo taken with ISO 200Photo taken with ISO 3200

1. The advantage of shooting at a higher ISO at a sporting event is it will capture the image better with less blur.
2. Using a low ISO will make the picture more clear but the shutter speed will be a lot slower.
3. Using a high ISO is the exact opposite. It will make the image less clear but the shutter speed with me higher and better.

Shutter Speed

High shutter speed
Low shutter speed

a. low shutter speed
b. low shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. high shutter speed
e. medium shutter speed
f. low shutter speed

a. low shutter speed
b. medium shutter speed
c. high shutter speed
d. low shutter speed
e. medium shutter speed
f. low shutter speed

Shutter Priority mode- the camera sets the aperture for you, but you have to set the shutter speed.
Manual mode- you have to set both the shutter speed and aperture.
Aperture Priority mode- you set the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed.


Photo with F2.8 aperture
Photo with F16 aperture

1. We should relate aperture to our eyes.
2. The smaller the aperture, the less background is in focused. The higher the aperture, the more the background is in focus.
3. Aperture impacts Depth of Field because if you have a smaller aperture, the Depth of Field will be better. If you have a higher aperture, your photo will be in less depth and be more focused on everything in the photo.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers, PART TWO

Frederick Sommer
Frederick Sommer was born on September 7th 1905 and died on January 23rd 1999. He was born in Italy but was raised in Brazil. He went to Cornell University where he got a degree in Landscape Architecture. Before he took photos he was an artist when he came to the U.S. He never was working for a company when he did art and his photographs, but he showed his work at exhibits. A lot of his photos worked with texture, composition, and scale. 
Two of my favorite photos by Frederick Sommer are:

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. It seems as though nowadays we can edit or photoshop photographs within seconds when in the past it took up to many weeks. One thing I heard a lot was photos aren't so real anymore. There is so much editing done that we don't know if the photo is telling the true photo it should be.
B. Those news papers have strict policies for shooting and editing photos. One of their policies is that the photographers can't alter colors from the original scene.
C. I think photographers should be able to take away like red eye or cropping a little edge out and anything that would really keep you from seeing the image clearly. But definitely not movie things or changing the colors.

I think this photo is the most unethical. They changed the coloring a lot and it does make the photo look clearer but I think they did it too much. The scene in the original photo seems more gloomy and dark giving a deep feeling but in the edited one its more bright and not so gloomy.

This photo to me is the most ethical. Its not that bad because they just changed her teeth. If it were a headshot it would have been more noticeable but since it isn't it isn't that big of a deal.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Academic Shoot

1. Simplicity
2. The subject is the student looking through the microscope
3. I think it is kind of clear, if I could have gotten the camera to focus on the student more than the microscope it would be more clear who the subject it.
4. I could have shot at a side angle shooting up so that you can see just his face.

1. Mergers
2. The subject is the two people overlapping each other while looking through the microscope.
3. I think the subjects are clear.
4. What I could have done better (if I weren't purposely doing a merging photo) was avoiding getting them both leaning in at the same time so it doesn't cut of the second student in the back.
1. Balance
2. The subjects are the two people.
3. This image looks clear to me because the are evenly balanced in the center so my focus goes to them.
4. What I could have done better was shot more of a down angle and zoomed in a little more.

1. Framing
2. The subject is the girl in between the chairs frame.
3. I think the subject is clear because she is the biggest thing inside the frame.
4. I could have not gotten her chair in the picture or just less ground and more of her body.

1. Lines
2. The subject is the shirt
3. The subject is very clear because that is the only thing that is really in focus.
4. To make the photo better I could have cropped a little of the right out and made it just specifically a line image.

Rule of Thirds
1. Rule of Thirds
2. The subject is the student looking at the screen.
3. I don't think the subject is clear.
4. I could have gotten a picture from the front of his body instead of the back of his head and maybe zoomed in a little more so its more focused on just him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Academic and Community Service Photo

1. I chose the photo "Drop the Bass" of the pink paint splashing in the air out of a black container. I picked this photo because I really like how it is zoomed in and the photographer really focused on the paint splashing up instead of just the whole picture. The background of the girl putting the paint in is blurred out which I like. 

2. The photographer got the paint shooting up from a good angle. Instead of shooting it from above they got down and shot it at a really straight angle so they could capture it better. 

1. For my next shoot I think I could take photos like the one I chose in any science classes.

2. I want to go to my biology class with Mr. Mayfield to take photos. 

3. As a photographer I will try to take photos from different angles and remember the different rules of photography. 

Filling the Frame

This photo "fills the frame" because it is very interesting. Im not sure what is really happening, it looks like the boy student is trying to pull his hair but he doesn't have hair.. and the girl just looks like she is laughing. 

Action and Emotion

The action of this photo is the water or some substance spraying up in the air. The girl on the rights face is very happy and it looks like she is having fun. The girl on the left looks surprised at the substance spraying up as she watches it. 

The Story

I think this picture shows a story the best because it is a very touching image to me. The story I think it is telling is that these students from school decided to help the community and feed the homeless. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Post shoot reflection

1. One challenge I definitely faced was trying to get a photo that represented the word in a different way instead of the literal word. 

2. What I thought about most while taking the photos was rule of thirds although only one of my photos I think followed that. My picture of happy was of a flowing and it was off to the right not centered in my photo.

3. Some things I would do differently if I got to do the shoot over again would be to use lines more, framing, and getting different perspectives of the objects.

4. Some things I would do the same are using the rule of thirds and simplicity.

5. I saw that my happy photo was good using the rule of thirds and making it to the right of my photo. And my other photo that I think really stood out was my square one. There were a lot of lines and it made the photo look good. 

6. I would be interested in shooting those same prompts again. Knowing all of the different techniques I think would make all of my photos better.
A big thing I really noticed in her photos were she took the photos in a different perspective. She didn't just take them from the front she took them from a side angle which I liked. Another thing I liked is the metal photo. She got a lot of lines in the photo that makes it look better. Something she could improve on is just using more of the new techniques, the only one I saw that she used was the rule of thirds.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Avoiding Mergers

Avoiding Mergers

This photo is good for mergers because a lot of the lady and man running are cut off. If they were placed to the right it would be a better photo because we could see where they are headed. 



This is a great photo of framing because the shadowing of what looks like the broken wall is around the fire fighter climbing the ladder. If this photo was a little more concentrated on the square and cut out a little on the right I think it would look better. 



This photo shows balance because the photographer got the bridge and the twin towers in the photo. They are equally on each side of the photo causing a balanced look.



This represents lines, because the main subject in the middle has a background of the building lines. They lead to the subject making it catch our eye.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

The two ladies are positioned on the left of the photo showing the rule of thirds. You can also see that the woman on the bottom is on an intersecting line and so is the one on the top.



This photo shows simplicity because the main subject is clear while the background is blurred out. One thing that could be different about this photo is the red truck in the background. 

Prompt Shoot #1

In this photo I used rule of thirds. Instead of placing the flower in the middle, I put the flower to the right bottom. To make it a little better I could put the flower a little bit more down. 

In this photo I used lines to show the letter of "The Kennel". It could have been better if I didn't get the top in the photo.

In this photo I shouldn't have centered the metal chain. It would look better if I used the rule of thirds and maybe had it more focused on the chain instead of the wood and the orange flooring background.

I used the lines in this photo to show square. There are many lines going around the square and there isn't just one square shown in the photo. The crossed lines make it more appealing too.

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Camera

The Camera

1. The Obscura effect is an optical effect discovered in about 500 BCE. If you go inside a dark room and cut a hole in the wall, the hole light will be focused while projecting the light on the opposite wall. 
2. The invention of(by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens)making high quality glass lenses and the understanding of optics helped us get closer to making the modern camera. 
3. The first parts of the first modern cameras were a glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. The light still passes through the lens exposing the film today, like in ancient times when the first camera was made.
5. Digital cameras use an electronic sensor(CCD)to capture images.
6. When using auto mode the camera does a lot of the focusing and flash for you, where as on program mode you can control the flash and other settings.
7. Portrait mode is used to blur out the background of images and the camera will use the fastest lens setting
8. Sports mode is used to caption motion without a blur. It works because the camera used the fastest shutter speed available.
9. You should use half press before taking a photo because it will help focus the camera, ultimately making the camera respond quicker. If you don't do this the camera would lag taking the photo slower.
10. The symbol mean that flash is disabled. You can use this when you want to take a more dramatic photo capturing the natural light.
11. This symbol is auto flash, used when the camera thinks the photo needs more light. 
12. If there is too much light in the photo, the picture will look washed out.
13. If there is not enough light the photo will look too dark.
14. A "stop" is a relative change in the brightness of light. 
15. The planet is one stop brighter if there are two suns.
16. The planet is four stops brighter if there are four suns.
17. A longer shutter speed captures more light. 
18. A shorter shutter speed make the photo more dark. 
19. The aperture controls how much light there is. 
20. You can increase the amount of light by opening up the lens more.