Friday, September 2, 2016

The Camera

The Camera

1. The Obscura effect is an optical effect discovered in about 500 BCE. If you go inside a dark room and cut a hole in the wall, the hole light will be focused while projecting the light on the opposite wall. 
2. The invention of(by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens)making high quality glass lenses and the understanding of optics helped us get closer to making the modern camera. 
3. The first parts of the first modern cameras were a glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. The light still passes through the lens exposing the film today, like in ancient times when the first camera was made.
5. Digital cameras use an electronic sensor(CCD)to capture images.
6. When using auto mode the camera does a lot of the focusing and flash for you, where as on program mode you can control the flash and other settings.
7. Portrait mode is used to blur out the background of images and the camera will use the fastest lens setting
8. Sports mode is used to caption motion without a blur. It works because the camera used the fastest shutter speed available.
9. You should use half press before taking a photo because it will help focus the camera, ultimately making the camera respond quicker. If you don't do this the camera would lag taking the photo slower.
10. The symbol mean that flash is disabled. You can use this when you want to take a more dramatic photo capturing the natural light.
11. This symbol is auto flash, used when the camera thinks the photo needs more light. 
12. If there is too much light in the photo, the picture will look washed out.
13. If there is not enough light the photo will look too dark.
14. A "stop" is a relative change in the brightness of light. 
15. The planet is one stop brighter if there are two suns.
16. The planet is four stops brighter if there are four suns.
17. A longer shutter speed captures more light. 
18. A shorter shutter speed make the photo more dark. 
19. The aperture controls how much light there is. 
20. You can increase the amount of light by opening up the lens more.

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