Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. A challenge I encountered was trying not to get so many photos showing rule of thirds. I feel like thats the easiest photo to shoot and most of my photos had that. Also trying to get a framing photo was very hard because there wasn't just a frame ready for you to shoot behind, we had to get creative.

2. I thought the most about focusing on the subject. In my lines photo I think I did a really good job on focusing on the shirt with a blurred background.

3. If I could do this again I would definitely be thinking about the hard things first and really trying to get creative with it. Like the Framing I wish I had gotten a better photo, because it was kind of just a set up frame.

4. What I would do the same is rule of thirds and simplicity because I feel as though I really get how to shoot those kinds of photos.

5. Rule of Thirds will probably the easiest rule to achieve.

6. The hardest to capture will be framing.

7. Im not totally clear on the avoiding mergers rule. I can ask friends what the rule is or I can look at the power point again.
I really like her avoiding mergers photo because it is really focused on the girl. I also like how she got photos of the students looking through the microscopes! One thing she could have done different was zooming in more on her subject so that its more clear on who/what it is.

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