Monday, September 12, 2016

Post shoot reflection

1. One challenge I definitely faced was trying to get a photo that represented the word in a different way instead of the literal word. 

2. What I thought about most while taking the photos was rule of thirds although only one of my photos I think followed that. My picture of happy was of a flowing and it was off to the right not centered in my photo.

3. Some things I would do differently if I got to do the shoot over again would be to use lines more, framing, and getting different perspectives of the objects.

4. Some things I would do the same are using the rule of thirds and simplicity.

5. I saw that my happy photo was good using the rule of thirds and making it to the right of my photo. And my other photo that I think really stood out was my square one. There were a lot of lines and it made the photo look good. 

6. I would be interested in shooting those same prompts again. Knowing all of the different techniques I think would make all of my photos better.
A big thing I really noticed in her photos were she took the photos in a different perspective. She didn't just take them from the front she took them from a side angle which I liked. Another thing I liked is the metal photo. She got a lot of lines in the photo that makes it look better. Something she could improve on is just using more of the new techniques, the only one I saw that she used was the rule of thirds.

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