Friday, September 23, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. It seems as though nowadays we can edit or photoshop photographs within seconds when in the past it took up to many weeks. One thing I heard a lot was photos aren't so real anymore. There is so much editing done that we don't know if the photo is telling the true photo it should be.
B. Those news papers have strict policies for shooting and editing photos. One of their policies is that the photographers can't alter colors from the original scene.
C. I think photographers should be able to take away like red eye or cropping a little edge out and anything that would really keep you from seeing the image clearly. But definitely not movie things or changing the colors.

I think this photo is the most unethical. They changed the coloring a lot and it does make the photo look clearer but I think they did it too much. The scene in the original photo seems more gloomy and dark giving a deep feeling but in the edited one its more bright and not so gloomy.

This photo to me is the most ethical. Its not that bad because they just changed her teeth. If it were a headshot it would have been more noticeable but since it isn't it isn't that big of a deal.

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