Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Academic Shoot

1. Simplicity
2. The subject is the student looking through the microscope
3. I think it is kind of clear, if I could have gotten the camera to focus on the student more than the microscope it would be more clear who the subject it.
4. I could have shot at a side angle shooting up so that you can see just his face.

1. Mergers
2. The subject is the two people overlapping each other while looking through the microscope.
3. I think the subjects are clear.
4. What I could have done better (if I weren't purposely doing a merging photo) was avoiding getting them both leaning in at the same time so it doesn't cut of the second student in the back.
1. Balance
2. The subjects are the two people.
3. This image looks clear to me because the are evenly balanced in the center so my focus goes to them.
4. What I could have done better was shot more of a down angle and zoomed in a little more.

1. Framing
2. The subject is the girl in between the chairs frame.
3. I think the subject is clear because she is the biggest thing inside the frame.
4. I could have not gotten her chair in the picture or just less ground and more of her body.

1. Lines
2. The subject is the shirt
3. The subject is very clear because that is the only thing that is really in focus.
4. To make the photo better I could have cropped a little of the right out and made it just specifically a line image.

Rule of Thirds
1. Rule of Thirds
2. The subject is the student looking at the screen.
3. I don't think the subject is clear.
4. I could have gotten a picture from the front of his body instead of the back of his head and maybe zoomed in a little more so its more focused on just him.


  1. I really like your pictures, you thought of subjects that I wish I thought about. You also showed your subject really well.

  2. I think that you found good subjects to shoot, and I think that you did a great job focusing on the subjects.
