Monday, December 19, 2016

Extra Credit

1. Ki Suk Han was in a New York subway station when he was pushed down into the train tracks after trying to help a man who was harassing passerby. He wasn't strong enough to lift himself onto the platform away from the tracks and ended up getting hit. The photographer, R. Umar Abbasi, took the photo in attempt of trying to get the flash to warn the trains operators to stop. 

2. He said he took the photo in attempts of getting the flash to get the operators attention. 

3. I think the photographer should have taken the photo ,because he claims he had already tried to help him and taking the photo wasn't just for a time capture, but an attempt to get the train operators attention. 

4. I don't think that the photographer did the best he could to try and save the man. I think this because, a true person would have kept trying and trying until it was honestly too late where as Abbasi decided to get out his camera. 

5. I agree with the decision to run the photo on the cover of New York Post. It was a life changing moment I think and people should hear the story of what happened to get Han in that situation. Either way, it isn't a gory photo and shouldn't disturb many people too much util they read it. 

6. For a photojournalist, it is more important to capture images of life as it is happening. It is their job to do it and without them some stories wouldn't be stories due to no one remembering. 

7. Yes, I think it is ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve him/herself in the situation that they photograph. I think this because as long as the photographer has taken a photo they should be able to try and help. 

8. I feel that if a photographer really thinks they need to help they should instead of not trying to influence on the situation. 

9. If a photographer is in this situation, I believe they should snap one or two photos then immediately at least try and help with the situation. In this situation specifically, I feel the photographer could have tried harder to save the man. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Final Exam Review


James Tiga takes a resting moment on the spot of his finished race. Tiga has been competing in marathons for the past 10 years and is working his way up to the olympics. 

Over 60 white ducks are set free after 6 months in a sanctuary. The Steinle Sanctuary is a testing lab for animals, where the 60 ducks were held. 

Photography rules:
1. Rule of thirds- instead of centering the photo, imagine a tic tac toe box in the photo and make the subject on one of the intersection points. 
2. Balancing elements- when having two subjects/objects, try creating an equal space between them in the center of the photo. 
3. Leading lines- getting lines in the photograph draws peoples eyes to the main object at the end
4. Symmetry and patterns- getting shapes in the photo or getting a symmetric theme in the photo. 
5. Viewpoint- the angle you take the photo at. Instead of always doing eye level try above or below the object/subject. 
6. Background- focusing the image on background forces.
7. Create depth- shooting the image from a normally low point of view. layers of different objects, ex: mountains 
8. Framing- using shadows or background to create like a barrier around your photo. 
9. Cropping- fitting your image to the page. 
10- Avoiding Mergers- making sure to not get the same colors layered on top of each other or cutting out an important part to something. 

Aperture- the space that light passes through in a camera. 
Shutter speed- how fast the camera exposes and closes the film.
ISO- measures sensitivity of the image sensor. lower setting= less sensitive to light, finer grain. higher setting= used in darker places to get faster shutter speeds.

4. Whats acceptable in manipulating photos in photoshop is changing the light setting so you can clearly see the photo and cropping the photo. Unacceptable would be reshaping objects ect.

5. Portraits
Environmental- the main person is doing something.
Self- focus is on the person.
Casual- not really perfect or planned. 
(Formal- set up, planned; Informal- Candid, not perfect)

Exposure- amount of light per unit area hitting the film.
Depth of Field- the difference between the nearest and farthest object in the photo that appear sharp. 
Focal Length- the distance between the lens and the image sensor when the object is in focus. 

Magazine Covers

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Magazine covers self portrait 

Magazine covers portrait

self portrait


Monday, November 28, 2016

Top 100 Photos

Photo #1

1. This photo really caught my eye, because I saw a lot of famous actors in it and it was in color unlike many of the others. 
2. The photo was taken during the 2014 Oscars. Ellen wanted to get a selfie with some of the most famous actors. After the photo was taken Ellen posted it on twitter where it was retweeted over 3 million times. It was the most time a photo has ever been retweeted in history.
3. Bradley Cooper, the man who took the photo, went over to Ellen and someone else to try and help take the photo because he saw she was struggling. She told him no it has to be a selfie so Cooper ended up getting in the photo because he was in the front and with longer arms. 
4. Bradley Cooper isn't a photographer, it was just a spontaneous moment. I could not find any pictures he has taken. 
5. Bradley Charles Cooper
Born: January 5th, 1975 in Philadelphia, PA.
School: Georgetown University 

Photo #2
1. This photo caught my eye, because I saw a baby sitting on what looked like a road unattended. I imagined he had been abandoned so I clicked on it to see what the photo was about. 
2. The photo was taken in 1937, shortly after China had been bombed. What really shocked me while I was reading was Wong saying that as soon as he stepped out onto the floor his shoes had been soaked in blood. This means it must have been really fatal and a lot of deaths/wounded. He then saw the baby sitting on the floor crying near his mother who lay dead. 
3. I learned that Wong quickly took the baby after the photo and rushed it to safety. Although, the babies father came and took the baby from Wong. The photo was shown worldwide and led France, US, and Britain to claim war on the county. 
4. This is the only other photo I could find by him. 
5. H.S. "Newsreel" Wong
Born: 1900
Death: March 9th, 1981
School: None

Photo #3
1. This photo caught my eye, because of the two kids that were falling in air. I wanted to know what it was they had jumped from and why. 
2. The photograph shows two people falling in mid air. A girl, 19, and a little boy, 2, tried to escape a fire. 
3. The photographer, Forman, took the photo at a fire escape scene. Approaching the scene he thought that it was just a normal fire escape. Realizing it wasn't, he shot this picture of a 19 year old girl and her 2 year old God-son falling in air while escaping. The girl hit the floor and died, but the little boy lived because of her cushioning on the land. Forman remembers looking away before they hit because he was too frightened at what he would see. 
5. Stanley Joseph Forman
Born: July 10th, 1945 in Winthrop, MA
School: Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology

Photo #4
1. The bright colors of this photo caught my eye as well as the many people carrying a stretched out Gorilla. 
2. In the photo, residents and park rangers carried out a 500 pound gorilla caracas. It was carried out of Virunga National Park after it had been shot. 
3. Several gorillas were shot in the Democratic Republican of Congo. The article doesn't say why they were shot, but because of a violent conflict in the park. Half of the worlds endangered mountain gorillas live in the park. 
5. Brent Stirton
Born: 1969 in Durban, South Africa
School: none

Photo #5
1. I chose this photo because the angle it was shot at was really cool. Looking at it, I am eye level with the hippo in the water. 
2. The photographer, Nichols, took the photo in the Gabon, Africa. He captured one of many hippos swimming in the blue Atlantic ocean. 
3. What I read that was interesting was that most hippos normally spend their time in water in a swamp instead of a busy ocean. The Photo encouraged the president of the country to create national parks covering 11% of the land. 
5. Michael Nichols
Born: November 6th, 1931 in Berlin, Germany
Died: November 19th, 2014
School: none

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fashion Photography

1. Changes made:
- moved eyebrows down
- bigger lips
- longer neck
- slimer neck
- bigger eyes 

2. Changes made:
- longer legs
- slimmer body
- color change of body
- bigger eyes
- makeup

3. Changes made:
- slimmer body
- more curves
- more hair
- more hair volume
- lighting

4. No, ethnically it is not right. Changing their face makes them basically fake and we are supposed to show how they truly look. 

5. Yes, their are plenty of circumstances in which it is ethnically wrong to do this. 

6. An example of changes that would be okay is editing out a hair that might have been on the persons face or brightening the scene. Changes that aren't okay are adding makeup and distorting their faces. 

7. I think the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is, photojournalism is more of catching peoples lifestyle in a picture and more candid things. Fashion photography to me is like more business associated and not people in there natural state. 

8. Photojournalism relation to reality is more real. It is a lot less editing. On the other hand fashion photography takes a lot of photoshop. This effects the ethnical practice because fashion photography isn't as ethnical as photojournalism. 

9. I think you showed us these videos to show us what people actually look like without photoshop to tell us that it is fake and not right. 

10. I think none of these videos are about guys because they don't really have beauty standards. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Photography Resolutions for 2016

What I looked at on this website was a lot of creative photographs. They all had a meaning behind them based on peoples new years resolutions. 

a. I chose this photo because it is a very calming image. I also really like landscape photography and this features the big mountains in the background. The angle the photo is taken at is appealing too because it is almost at ground level.

b. I see simplicity in this photo because it is very focused on the girl in the center walking away from the camera. I also see Depth because of the layering mountains in front of the girl. 

c. Jenna Martin is the photographer who took this photo. 

Spiral Staircases

What I saw on this website was a lot of pictures of old rusted staircases. They were taken from what looked like the top and the camera was in the middle of the spiraling stairs. Most of the stairs had very dull colors but their were a few that were still vibrant like the yellow one. 

a. I picked this photo because It reminds me of an oil painting. The colors on the right that are green and yellow really pop out to me and the image almost looks like an illusion. 

b. A rule of photography I see in this photo is depth. The spiral down the center of the image gets smaller creating depth. 

c. Christian Richter took the photo. 

Using a Projetor

What I looked at on the website was short clips of nature that would start to glow. For example a video of a tree then a glow sort of like fire dust comes out of the center of it.

a. What I saw in the video was a lot of trees and animals in a dark setting that would start to glow with little balls of light. 

b. Tarek Mawad and Freidrich van Schoor made the video. Tarek is a 3D art and photography photographer. Freidrich van Schoor does the same but mainly focuses on the animations. 

c. The video took them 6 weeks to shoot. They idea of the video was to bring the forest to life. 

d. I learned that 3D projections are used to create popping visuals on flat surfaces. 

The oldest living things in the world

What I looked at on this website was a lot of old nature. I saw a lot of old trees and some bacteria. 

a. I picked this photo because I really like the detail in the tree bark. The colors of brown, white, and a little black look really cool sort of swirled together. 

b. I see rule of thirds in the photography, because the tree is on the right not centered. I could also see how this would be lines because of the tree bark with the lines of color. 

c. The photo is taken by Rachel Sussman. 

Killer Time-lapse

On the website I looked at a time-lapse video. A lot of the different videos were shot up high filming the landscape below. Most of them were filming some form of water below on the edge of the land. 

a. What I saw in the video was a lot of clouds flying really fast through the frame. There was also a lot of city views so I could tell when it was morning and night because the city would glow at certain times of the day due to the lights. 

b. Joe Capra made the time-lapse video. He is also known as "Scientifantastic". He mainly does time-lapse but also does still photography, cinematography, and editing. 

c. There isn't much of a story to the time-lapse but it was shot in Rio De Janeiro because he had always wanted to go there. 

d. I learned that people are drawn to time-lapse videos because you can't really notice the changes that are happening until you watch it sped up. 

Magazines Part 2

1. Image based magazine covers seem to be generally formal if the subject is a person. It is the most common and don't have many subjects in the photograph. Some magazines choose to do covers of people with a different emotion on their face instead of always smiling. 
2. Illustrated magazine covers are mainly used to show something funny or unique. Most of them are magazines that use illustrations don't use news stands to help them sell because they are independent. 
3. Type based magazines are bold and are mainly shocking for readers. They make words bigger to pop out what they are saying that is shocking. It can sometimes catch more attention than a photograph. 
4. Concept based magazine covers are used to present a strong message in a funny way. This type of cover is kind of a mix of all of the other covers in one. The cover needs to be easy to understand and funny to the readers. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Favorite Cover


"For W’s December/January Art Issue, the magazine collaborated with artist Yayoi Kusama to create this iconic cover image depicting George Clooney. The visually arresting image is the highlight of the cover story, for which five leading female artists were invited to create interpretive portraits of the actor. Clooney wears a suit painted by Kusama with her signature polka dots and stands against a polka-dotted backdrop. Planned to coincide with the opening of an exhibition of new work by Kusama at David Zwirner Gallery, the cover makes a powerful reference to the artist’s iconic self-portraits."

This photo is very mind tricking because the background makes the person really blend in. He is wearing a polka dotted suit that is the exact same with the background and the only thing that stands out is his head. I think this interprets that the actor has self confidence. He has a sort of smirk look because he looks very precise especially his hair. His eye area gives this smirky look too because I feel he is raising them a bit. There is also a serious feel to the image. He has his hands behind his back and is looking straight at the camera with a half straight face. The lighting in the photo is bright and I can tell this because the centers of his face ie. his nose and forehead and casted with light. The straight white polkadots also gives a bright look. 

Best Covers

1. Formal
2. Informal
3. Environmental
4. Environmental
5. Environmental
6. Formal
7. Informal
8. InFormal
9. Formal
10. Formal 
11. Formal
12. Formal
13. Formal
14. Formal
15. Informal
16. Informal
17. Formal

Magazine Tips

5 things I need to be thinking about when I make my cover are:

1. Try to use emotional pictures that might catch the peoples eyes when they scan over the cover. 
2. Isolate a certain element to make it stand out if there is too much going on 
3. Make sure its fast and easy to scan.
4. If the cover pops out from its background don't try to weaken it.
5. Keep different angles in mind that you can put the photos on the cover. 

Self Portraits & Portraits Part 1

Tips I found helpful

Get Closer:
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.

Photographing your shadow is another way to do a self-portrait. Shoot early or late, when the sun is low in the sky. A light, stucco wall, a sidewalk, or any other simple background can suffice. Just be sure there aren't a lot of distractions around the surface you choose.

Candids with consent:
Unobtrusive candids seek to be fly-on-the-wall images that catch people going about their business seemingly unaware of the camera and the photographer. This yields images that are more toward the objective end of the objective/subjective continuum, though there is not, of course, any photograph made by a human that is completely objective. Candids with consent, made when the photographer is actively engaged with the subject and the subject is conscious of this involvement, are very different. Photographs are records of the photographer's relationship with his or her subject. In consensual candids, the relationship can be either obvious (the subject looks directly into the camera) or subtle—the relationship is implied because the image feels more intimate. We sense that the photographer was physically close to the subject and that the person was aware of being photographed.

Environmental Portrait:
I like this photo because it is very serious and the mood it gives is like angry and bad because of the background of the stormy sky. 

I like this photo because the subject is very focused and I also like how the guitar is in the center of the photo. The photo is also good because of the angle it is shot at, it is very straight and eye level with the man. 

Photography self portrait:
This photo captures the smoke coming out of the mans mouth which I really like. It makes me follow the line that leads to his face which is very serious. 

I like this portrait because the shadows made it very interesting. It creates an allusion that half of her face is gone because of the dark right half and dark background. It also shows a lot of emotion and another side to the girl because she is crying. 

Casual Portrait:
This photo does a good job of drawing my attention to the girl. She is very focused and the photographer used rule of thirds. I also like it because of the warm contrast and blur of the fall trees in the background. 

I really like this photo because its almost like a candid. The girl is walking and looking behind her with a serious and sad looking face. I also really  like the light background and how it is shot in nature. 

When I shoot my portraits I plan on taking pictures of my sister. I want to do it in a nature setting probably at slaughter creek park. To make it a successful shoot I will remind myself of all the different rules I can get photos of with my sister to have a variety of photos. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Soldier

A. I think that the most powerful image is "A Fathers Concern". In this photo Ian is sitting at the table with his dad with his head down and this is powerful to me because it showed how hurting he was and in Ian was telling his dad all of the meds he was having to take for his injuries. 
B. The images work together to create a story by going in a timeline order and the photographer really captured times that were important during Ian's serving time. 
C. The captions enhanced the photos by giving us an inside to what Ian was feeling or thinking in that moment.
D. Ian Fisher was 17 when he decided to tell his family he was going to enroll in the army. Ian immediately went to training after he turned 18 and found out what being in the army was really like. While in Iraq, back home Ian's friends were slowly fading away along with his girlfriend and Ian was feeling depressed. He featured home and reunited with his girlfriend and spent time with his brother and dad. After going back he got some injuries and would tell his dad about how hard it is and all of the meds he has to take. When Ian's time was up and went home he knew that was gonna be his only year in the army. Glad to be home he spent lots of time being welcomed by his family and after only 3 days of being back him and his girlfriend got married. 
E. The verbs used are mostly past tense. 
F. 1) Each sentence is generally 2-3 sentences. 
2) The first sentence provides what is happing in the image or what Ian is thinking.
3) The second sentence provides background information.
4) If there is a third, it usually provides just any extra information to help us get an understanding.
5) Yes, many of the captions include a quote. Especially the ones that are taken of him with other people. 
6) Yes, there are some that have 4 sentences. 
G. It is possible to tell a story with just captions because captions tell us background information that isn't shown in the photo. 
H. If you have a story you can go into much more detail. A caption isn't going to be over 6 sentences or so, so the writer has to limit to the important stuff and just say that. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Composition rules part 2

1. Rule of Thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create Depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Funny Captions

Betsy smiles at the camera forgetting about her shirt in the local grocery store. She is very known in her neighborhood and is frequently seen at the grocery store, her favorite place, every other day. 

Best friends, Jim, Anthony, Carol, and Dan dysfunctionally wait for the bus on this early morning. The four best friends go to PetSmart every morning to see what they can buy for their dogs. 

Lillian and Doug race down the track in their new silver edition motorized scooters at the annual, "Elderly's are fast too" race. Soon after this picture was taken, Lillian's scooter flipped strait over and she was mildly hurt. 

Monday, October 24, 2016





1. At first I felt happy because the photos of them together were really cute then it started getting sad especially when she cut her hair off. The saddest part was seeing the photo of the bed made because I just knew she probably had passed away. 

2. I think that meant that, that was their reality; that was their life. It wasn't fake what was shown in the photographs.

3. I wouldn't be able to shoot photos like this if I was involved in a situation like his. It would be too sad and probably make me even more depressed. 

4. If I could write Angelo I would tell him I'm sorry and his work is very good and it took a lot of strength to be able to still take photos in the conditions his wife was in.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to go to "Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan". The images I noticed on the website looking like the park was very very old. On one it looked like the photographer actually got on one of the rides and claimed up and got pictures of the rails and the seats themselves which I didn't see on the other photos. If I was going to go to a place I would want to be able to clim on the rides like this photographer did which is why I would chose this park. I also like the look of rust on metal and their was a lot of rust in the pictures shown of the park. 


3. Photographers could go to old museums, broken down train tracks, junk yards, "haunted" buildings, or abandoned villages. 

5. I think that it would be fun to take pictures of broken down train tracks, because some of them are very old and you could possibly find the history of where they were going to. You also could capture a lot of the nature around it which would be cool because sometimes the grass or flowers have grown between the cracks of the wood. I would take photos of the close up wood cracks and all of the things growing in between because of all the decay. 

6. Getting these photos I would have to really search hard for places that have abandoned train tracks because I'm not sure that they would really be on a map. As far as traveling goes I think their would be some definitely close to Austin if not in Austin. For equipment I would need a camera and maybe some clippers of some sort if I really need to get to the tracks but their is too much plants. I don't think I would need to break any laws because I would think most of them are just out in a random forest somewhere. 


Something I really noticed when reading about Nicks photographs is how dedicated he is. He said he went back to the same spot for 18 days to watch a lion sleeping, waiting to get a good photo. I am surprised at how close he got to the animals because he said he didn't really use a zoom lens because he could capture them better up close. The photos themselves are really good. They are all in black and white which kind of set a mood for me of calm.
This photo is of two lions (one male one female) that are pushing their heads against each other. What I really like about this photo is how Nick captured them at the perfect moment. The photo shows the lions love for each other. Something that caught my eye was the female lion looking down and her eyes look very serious. 

This picture shows simplicity and possibly balance. The photo is definitely focused on the two lions and their aren't any distractions which is why it shows simplicity. It could show balance if they lions were a little bit more centered but I think the photographer wanted to capture the lions mane. 

The camera he uses is a Pentax 6711 with two fixed lenses. With a fixed lense, so he can't zoom. In the article he had said he didn't want to use zoom because taking the photos up close showed the animals personalities better. 

The reason for taking these photos was to get photos of the African wildlife in their "state of being". 

Nicks hope for taking these photos is to encourage people to help the wildlife in any way possible like donating money to charities. 

"What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us."
                                      -Nick Brandt

Friday, October 7, 2016

Great Black & White Photographers, PART THREE

Looking at this photo I see a man who is maybe in his forties. He looks comfortable and relaxed in his chair. He looks very deep in thought on what he is looking at. 
I smell the smell of old library books when you turn the pages. The furniture smells dusty and of thick air. I smell dirt that is on his clothes after being outside. 
I hear people quietly talking out of the frame through the front window. I hear the sound of a clock slowly ticking somewhere in the room. I hear the creaking of his chair as he lays on it. 
I taste a bitter taste of the room. I taste the fresh air that is coming in from the window. I can taste the the dirt kind of scent from his clothes. 
I feel very serious when I look at this photo. I feel the tears and scratches on his chair. I feel the grimy feel of his pants.

When I look at this girl I see a tiny grin coming from the edges of her mouth. I see the hair coming loose out of her pigtails after running around. I see her stern eyes very big looking up.
I smell fresh air of the nature around her. I smell her sweat surrounding the fresh air. I smell the bark of the tree; plain but still their.
I hear the sound of kids playing in the woods. I hear birds singing faintly. I hear the wind slowly sweeping by. 
I taste the dirt she is standing on. I taste the bitter smell of the tree. I taste the cool wind;fresh. 
I feel the lace of her sunday dress. I feel the coarseness of her hair. I feel the hot sun just barely peeking through the trees. 

1. Something that really caught my eye when I first saw Frederick Sommers Photos was how he really took the picture at good times. Especially the one on the top, the man looks like he was very focused and deep in thought on whatever he was looking at. For the little girl I really like how he put her in the middle and her eyes are what catches my attention the most. 

3. I would like to make a powerpoint about my photographer to share my thoughts and ideas about his photography.